Spa Care Guide
Spa maintenance schedules for three sanitization systems are listed below. Chlorine is included but is not recommended as Chlorine offgasses at 97 degrees fahrenheit, and dissipates very quickly in warm spa water. Bromine offgasses at 140 degrees fahrenheit, and therefore is a much more efficient sanitization system for spas. Chlorine works great for pools, but is not the best choice for spas. The mineral cartridge system is the most highly recommended as it is the easiest to control, resulting in the safest system for you and your spa components. The mineral cartridge system does use chlorine, but is a “low chlorine” system. The low chlorine level works with the mineral cartridge to keep it activated. Your water quality will directly affect the lifespan of your spa.

Spa Maintenance Schedule - Bromine Sanitization System
Startup: Fill spa with fresh water – use caution not to overfill spa
Perform water balance procedure
Add 2 ounces of scale defense
Add 16 ounces of metal protect
Add 1 pound of sodium bromide per 500 gallons of water
Add bromine tablets to feeder, test and adjust to maintain bromine level of 3 to 6 PPM
After each use: Add 1 tablespoon non-chlorine shock per person
(Non-chlorine shock can lower total alkalinity and PH levels, so monitor closely)
At least once per week: Perform water balance procedure
Test and adjust to maintain bromine level of 3 to 6 PPM
Weekly: Clean filter cartrigde(s) with hose
Add 2 ounces of scale defense
Monthly: Spray filter cleaning solution on filter cartridge(s), then clean with hose
Clean spa cover & pillows
Every 3 months: Drain and refill spa with fresh water – use caution not to overfill spa
Perform water balance procedure
Soak filters in filter cleaning solution
Yearly: Replace filter cartridge(s)

Spa Maintenance Schedule - Chlorine Sanitization System
Startup: Fill spa with fresh water – use caution not to overfill spa
Perform water balance procedure
Add 2 ounces of scale defense
Add 16 ounces of metal protect
Add 2 tablespoons of chlorine granules per 500 gallons of water – test and maintain Chlorine level of 1 to 3 PPM
After each use: Add 1 tablespoon non-chlorine shock per person
(Non-chlorine shock can lower total alkalinity and PH levels, so monitor closely)
At least once per week: Perform water balance procedure
Test and maintain chlorine level of 1 to 3 PPM
Weekly: Clean filter cartrigde(s) with hose
Add 2 ounces of scale defense
Monthly: Spray filter cleaning solution on filter cartridge(s), then clean with hose
Clean spa cover & pillows
Every 3 months: Drain and refill spa with fresh water – use caution not to overfill spa
Perform water balance procedure
Soak filters in filter cleaning solution
Yearly: Replace filter cartridge(s)

Spa Maintenance Schedule - Mineral Cartridge Sanitization System
Startup: Fill spa with fresh water – use caution not to overfill spa
Perform water balance procedure
Add 2 ounces of scale defense
Add 16 ounces of metal protect
Install new mineral cartridge
* Note: mineral cartridge will sanitize up to 500 gallons of water – once installed, do not remove mineral cartridge from water or it will deactivate and need to be replaced – do not use mineral cartridge system with biguanides.
Before and after each use: Add 1 tablespoon non-chlorine shock per 250 gallons of water
(Non-chlorine shock can lower total alkalinity and PH levels, so monitor closely)
As needed for high bathing loads: Add 1.5 tablespoons Chlorine granules per 250 gallons of water
At least once per week: Perform water balance procedure
Weekly: Add 1.5 tablespoons Chlorine granules per 250 gallons of water
Clean filter cartrigde(s) with hose
Add 2 ounces of scale defense
Monthly: Spray filter cleaning solution on filter cartridge(s), then clean with hose
Clean spa cover & pillows
Every 3 months: Drain and refill spa with fresh water – use caution not to overfill spa
Perform water balance procedure
Discard old mineral cartridge and install new mineral cartridge
Soak filters in filter cleaning solution
Yearly: Replace filter cartridge(s)

Water Balance Procedure
* Use test strips to read current levels then adjust accordingly
Important! Always adjust total alkalinity first before adjusting PH
* Always turn on pumps before adding chemicals, and circulate spa for at least 30 minutes before retesting
Adjust total alkalinity to range within: 80 – 120
Adjust PH to range within: 7.2 – 7.6

Important Tips
Set filtration cycles to run at night if possible.
Filtration cycles running during the day in summer months causes “thermal creep”. This is a condition where your spas actual temperature is hotter than the spas temperature set point. The heat generated from the filtration pump can heat the air and plumbing inside the cabinet and actually heat the spa without the heater ever coming on. Other ways to avoid thermal creep:
* Open all air controls
* Vent cover by placing a folded cloth under one side of the cover to create a gap for heat to escape
* Reduce filtration cycle times
If for some reason your spa loses power, or becomes inoperable during freezing weather, Keep the cover closed, and do not drain the spa unless you perform the winterization procedure described below. Even cold water contains heat and will protect your plumbing from freezing for a while. If your spa requires service, call right away. A small light bulb illuminated and placed inside your spa cabinet will protect it from freezing. Be sure the light bulb is not touching anything to avoid risk of fire or damage
Never mix sanitization systems - If you change sanitization systems, drain spa and start new system with fresh water
Never run the spa with filters removed
Items such as mineral cartridge, toys, clothing, etc. can be sucked down filter line and clog pump impeller
Always leave cover on spa when not in use
Hot sunlight can damage the spas acrylic surface resulting in surface cracks
Never substitute bleach for Chlorine Granules
Be careful not to overfill spa
Overfilling a spa with an air blower system will cause water damage to blower motor
The mineral cartridge system is a low chlorine system – follow the spa maintenance schedule instructions above and disregard chlorine level on test strips.
Never use bromine with mineral cartridge system
Mice, rats, squirrels, rabbits etc. can quickly destroy your spa. In cold weather, your spa is a warm inviting hangout for pests. Once inside they will chew and destroy the wires and plumbing. Placing poison inside the spa cabinet is one way to avoid this
Do not use drugs, take medications, or drink alcohol while using your spa
Keep all electrical appliances far away from spa to avoid electrocution
Do not use an extension cord to power your spa
Do not let children use the spa unsupervised
Do not operate spa without a working Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) – Test Your GFCI on a regular basis
Set your spa to filter at least 4 hours per day
For large spas, spas with an Ozone Generator, or spas using the mineral cartridge system, 8 hours of filtration per day is recommended

Winterization (or Summerization) Procedure
* Water left in lines during the winter can freeze and break plumbing lines
* Water left in lines during the summer will cause algae to grow in plumbing lines
Remove filter cartridge(s)
Remove drain plugs from pump wet ends
Disconnect unions from pumps and heater
Shop-vac all lines to remove all water
Make sure cover is closed and secure so debris does not get into spa, covering the spa with a tarp is a good idea

Water Imbalance Properties
Condition Result Solution
Low PH Water is acidic Add PH increaser
Damage to spa components
Reduces sanitizer efficiency
Skin and eye irritation
Destroys total alkalinitys ability to buffer PH
High PH Damage to spa components Add PH decreaser
Scale forms on spa surface
Water can become cloudy
Skin and eye irritation
Low Total Alkalinity PH will fluctuate Add alkalinity increaser
Increases chance of damage to spa components
Skin and eye irritation
High Total Alkalinity Difficulty adjusting PH Add dry acid (PH decreaser will lower total alkalinity)
Damage to spa components
Scale forms on spa surface
Water can become cloudy
Skin and eye irritation

Condition Possible Causes Solutions
Cloudy water Inadequate water circulation Increase filtration time – minimum 4 hours per day
High total alkalinity level Add dry acid (PH decreaser will lower total alkalinity)
High PH level Add PH decreaser
High TDS Drain & refill spa with fresh water
Inadequate oxidizer (Sanitizer) Add 1.5 tablespoons Chlorine granules per 250 gallons of water
Algae Inadequate water circulation Increase filtration time – minimum 4 hours per day
Inadequate oxidizer (Sanitizer) Add 1.5 tablespoons Chlorine granules per 250 gallons of water
* Note: Do not use algae treatments containing copper with Mineral Cartridge sanitization system
Scale High total alkalinity level Add dry acid (PH decreaser will lower total alkalinity)
High PH level Add PH decreaser
High TDS Drain & refill spa with fresh water
Unpleasant odor Inadequate oxidizer (Sanitizer) Add 1.5 tablespoons Chlorine granules per 250 gallons of water
Water imbalance Test and adjust water balance
High TDS Drain & refill spa with fresh water
Foaming Residual detergent in swimwear Additional rinsing of swimwear in clean water after laundering
High total alkalinity & PH levels Test and adjust water balance
Cosmetics, lotions, oils, soaps, hair products, deodorants, perfumes Shower before using spa - Avoid submerging hair
Spilling drinks in spa Use spill proof drink ware – Important: Using drugs, taking medications, or drinking alcohol while using the spa can result in hyperthermia, drowning, or death. Never use glass containers in your spa

Acrylic Surface Staining
Color Possible Causes
Blue/Green Copper or Iron in water supply
Copper or Iron caused by spa equipment corrosion
Red/Brown Iron or Manganese from water supply
Iron or Manganese caused by spa equipment corrosion
Black Manganese in water supply

Glossary Of Terms
PH: Potential of hydrogen – the value expressing the relative acidity or basicity (degree of alkalinity) of water
TDS: Total dissolved solids
Total Alkalinity: The ability of water to resist changes in PH, the measure of the dissolved bicarbonates
PPM: Parts per million